CASE Statement & IF() function

Lesson Goals

  • Understand how to use a CASE statement and why you might want to use it
    • bucket or bin data to Zoom out or reduce noise in your data by viewing it at a higher level
  • Understand which logical operators you can use in your CASE statements
    • the same set of comparison operators you can use in a WHERE clause can be used in a CASE statment

  • Understand how to use the IF() function and when you might opt for this option
  • Understand the difference between the two above options

What is a CASE Statement

A CASE Statement allows you to process a series of IF/THEN logical operators in a specific order. They execute in the order they appear, so if a record satisfies more than one logical condition, the record will be assigned by the first true THEN statement.

Tip: You might decide to use the ELSE condition as a catch all or error message to alert you to values you were not expecting in your data or faulty logic in your IF/THEN statements.

Check out more explanation and examples of CASE Statements here in my review notebook.

-- If I'm only referencing one column and only testing for equality.
    CASE column_name
        WHEN condition_a THEN value_1
        WHEN condition_b THEN value_2
        ELSE value_3
        END AS new_column_name
FROM table_name;

CASE statement syntax. This allows me to reference different columns in my logic as well as use all of the conditional operators available to me in a WHERE Clause.
        WHEN column_name logic_1 THEN value1
        WHEN column_name logic_2 THEN value2
        WHEN column_name logic_3 THEN value3
        ELSE catch_all_value
        END AS new_column_name
FROM table_name;

Why Use CASE Statements

What Now?

Let's look at some examples.

-- Choose the chipotle database
USE chipotle;

-- Check out my orders table.
FROM orders;

Bucket Data

  • Use a CASE Statement to create categories called item_type.

-- Use a `CASE` statement to create bins called item_type using item names.
        WHEN item_name LIKE '%chicken%' THEN 'Chicken Item'
        WHEN item_name LIKE '%veggie%' THEN 'Veggie Item'
        WHEN item_name LIKE '%beef%' THEN 'Beef Item'
        WHEN item_name LIKE '%barbacoa%' 
            OR item_name LIKE '%carnitas%' 
            OR item_name LIKE '%steak%' THEN 'Specialty Item'       
        WHEN item_name LIKE '%chips%' THEN 'Side'
        ELSE 'Other'
        END AS item_type
FROM orders;
item_name item_type
Chips and Fresh Tomato Salsa Side
Izze Other
Nantucket Nectar Other
Chips and Tomatillo-Green Chili Salsa Side
Chicken Bowl Chicken Item


Zoom Out

Add a GROUP BY Clause and use a COUNT() function to look at the popularity of item types.

-- How many different items do I have for each item type bin or category?
        WHEN item_name LIKE '%chicken%' THEN 'Chicken Item'
        WHEN item_name LIKE '%veggie%' THEN 'Veggie Item'
        WHEN item_name LIKE '%beef%' THEN 'Beef Item'
        WHEN item_name LIKE '%barbacoa%' 
            OR item_name LIKE '%carnitas%' 
            OR item_name LIKE '%steak%' THEN 'Specialty Item'       
        WHEN item_name LIKE '%chips%' THEN 'Side'
        ELSE 'Other'
        END AS item_type,
    COUNT(*) count_of_records
FROM orders
GROUP BY item_type
ORDER BY count_of_records DESC;
item_type count_of_records
Chicken Item 1560
Specialty Item 1086
Side 1084
Other 680
Veggie Item 212

Zoom In

Add a sub-dimension to my GROUP BY Clause and a HAVING Clause to filter for Specialty Items. Adding a COUNT() Clause allows me to examine which speciality items are the most popular.

-- Filter my return set to Specialty Items item types only and see which item in this category is most popular.
        WHEN item_name LIKE '%chicken%' THEN 'Chicken Item'
        WHEN item_name LIKE '%veggie%' THEN 'Veggie Item'
        WHEN item_name LIKE '%beef%' THEN 'Beef Item'
        WHEN item_name LIKE '%barbacoa%' 
            OR item_name LIKE '%carnitas%' 
            OR item_name LIKE '%steak%' THEN 'Specialty Item'
        WHEN item_name LIKE '%chips%' THEN 'Side'
        ELSE 'Other'
        END AS item_type,
    COUNT(*) AS count_of_records
FROM orders
GROUP BY item_type, item_name
HAVING item_type = 'Specialty Item'
ORDER BY count_of_records DESC;
item_name item_type count_of_records
Steak Burrito Specialty Item 368
Steak Bowl Specialty Item 211
Barbacoa Burrito Specialty Item 91
Carnitas Bowl Specialty Item 68
Barbacoa Bowl Specialty Item 66
Carnitas Burrito Specialty Item 59
Steak Soft Tacos Specialty Item 55
Carnitas Soft Tacos Specialty Item 40
Steak Crispy Tacos Specialty Item 35
Steak Salad Bowl Specialty Item 29
Barbacoa Soft Tacos Specialty Item 25
Barbacoa Crispy Tacos Specialty Item 11
Barbacoa Salad Bowl Specialty Item 10
Carnitas Crispy Tacos Specialty Item 7
Carnitas Salad Bowl Specialty Item 6
Steak Salad Specialty Item 4
Carnitas Salad Specialty Item 1

Bucket Data

Create a Categorical Variable from Numeric Variable

-- Create buckets for quantity to create a new categorical variable.
        WHEN quantity = 1 THEN 'single_item'
        WHEN quantity BETWEEN 2 AND 5 THEN 'family_and_friends'
        WHEN quantity BETWEEN 6 AND 9 THEN 'small_gathering'
        WHEN quantity > 9 THEN 'party'
        ELSE 'other'
        END AS quant_cats
FROM orders;
item_name quant_cats
Chips and Fresh Tomato Salsa single_item
Izze single_item
Nantucket Nectar single_item
Chips and Tomatillo-Green Chili Salsa single_item
Chicken Bowl family_and_friends


Zoom Out

Add a GROUP BY Clause and use the COUNT() function to look at most common quantity category.

-- Add a GROUP BY Clause to Zoom Out and take a look at my new categorical variables quant_cats
    COUNT(*) AS count_of_records,
        WHEN quantity = 1 THEN 'single_item'
        WHEN quantity BETWEEN 2 AND 5 THEN 'family_and_friends'
        WHEN quantity BETWEEN 6 AND 9 THEN 'small_gathering'
        WHEN quantity > 9 THEN 'party'
        ELSE 'other'
        END AS quant_cats
FROM orders
GROUP BY quant_cats
ORDER BY count_of_records DESC;
count_of_records quant_cats
4355 single_item
263 family_and_friends
2 party
2 small_gathering

Reference Multiple Columns

Let's look at an example that references different columns in our CASE statement logic.

-- Use mall_customers database.
USE mall_customers;

-- Check out the customers table.
FROM customers;

-- Reference more than one column in CASE Statement logic.
        WHEN gender = 'Male' AND age < 20 THEN 'Teen Male'
        WHEN gender = 'Male' AND age < 30 THEN 'Twenties Male'
        WHEN gender = 'Male' AND age < 40 THEN 'Thirties Male'
        WHEN gender = 'Male' AND age < 50 THEN 'Forties Male'
        WHEN gender = 'Male' AND age < 60 THEN 'Fifties Male'
        WHEN gender = 'Male' AND age < 70 THEN 'Sixties Male'
        WHEN gender = 'Male' AND age >= 70 THEN 'Older Male'
        WHEN gender = 'Female' AND age < 20 THEN 'Teen Female'
        WHEN gender = 'Female' AND age < 30 THEN 'Twenties Female'
        WHEN gender = 'Female' AND age < 40 THEN 'Thirties Female'
        WHEN gender = 'Female' AND age < 50 THEN 'Forties Female'
        WHEN gender = 'Female' AND age < 60 THEN 'Fifties Female'
        WHEN gender = 'Female' AND age < 70 THEN 'Sixties Female'
        WHEN gender = 'Female' AND age >= 70 THEN 'Older Female'
        ELSE 'Other'
        END AS gen_age_cat
FROM customers;
gender age gen_age_cat
Male 19 Teen Male
Male 21 Twenties Male
Female 20 Twenties Female
Female 23 Twenties Female
Female 31 Thirties Female


-- Zoom Out by adding a Group By Clause and a COUNT() function.
        WHEN gender = 'Male' AND age < 20 THEN 'Teen Male'
        WHEN gender = 'Male' AND age < 30 THEN 'Twenties Male'
        WHEN gender = 'Male' AND age < 40 THEN 'Thirties Male'
        WHEN gender = 'Male' AND age < 50 THEN 'Forties Male'
        WHEN gender = 'Male' AND age < 60 THEN 'Fifties Male'
        WHEN gender = 'Male' AND age < 70 THEN 'Sixties Male'
        WHEN gender = 'Male' AND age >= 70 THEN 'Older Male'
        WHEN gender = 'Female' AND age < 20 THEN 'Teen Female'
        WHEN gender = 'Female' AND age < 30 THEN 'Twenties Female'
        WHEN gender = 'Female' AND age < 40 THEN 'Thirties Female'
        WHEN gender = 'Female' AND age < 50 THEN 'Forties Female'
        WHEN gender = 'Female' AND age < 60 THEN 'Fifties Female'
        WHEN gender = 'Female' AND age < 70 THEN 'Sixties Female'
        WHEN gender = 'Female' AND age >= 70 THEN 'Older Female'
        ELSE 'Other'
        END AS gen_age_cat,
    COUNT(*) AS count_of_customers
FROM customers
GROUP BY gen_age_cat
ORDER BY count_of_customers DESC;
gen_age_cat count_of_customers
Thirties Female 37
Twenties Female 26
Thirties Male 24
Forties Female 24
Twenties Male 17
Forties Male 15
Fifties Female 14
Fifties Male 11
Sixties Male 10
Teen Male 9
Sixties Female 8
Teen Female 3
Older Male 2

What is the IF() Function

Why Use the IF() Function

What Now?

Let's look at some examples.

-- Use the mall_customers database.
USE mall_customers;

-- Check out the customers table.
FROM customers;

-- Use an IF Function to create a dummy variable for gender.
    IF(gender = 'Female', True, False) AS is_female
FROM customers;
gender is_female
Male 0
Male 0
Female 1
Female 1


-- I can create this new boolean column in another simple way, just evaulate the equality statement to True or False.
    gender = 'Female' AS is_female
FROM customers;
gender is_female
Male 0
Male 0
Female 1
Female 1



Pivot Tables with COUNT & CASE

I can pass a CASE statement to the COUNT function to create a pivot table or frequency table.

-- Create a pivot table using COUNT and CASE to view the number of titles by department. This is a count of employees who have ever held each title by department.

    COUNT(CASE WHEN title = 'Senior Engineer' THEN title ELSE NULL END) AS 'Senior Engineer',
    COUNT(CASE WHEN title = 'Staff' THEN title ELSE NULL END) AS 'Staff',
    COUNT(CASE WHEN title = 'Engineer' THEN title ELSE NULL END) AS 'Engineer',
    COUNT(CASE WHEN title = 'Senior Staff' THEN title ELSE NULL END) AS 'Senior Staff',
    COUNT(CASE WHEN title = 'Assistant Engineer' THEN title ELSE NULL END) AS 'Assistant Engineer',
    COUNT(CASE WHEN title = 'Technique Leader' THEN title ELSE NULL END) AS 'Technique Leader',
    COUNT(CASE WHEN title = 'Manager' THEN title ELSE NULL END) AS 'Manager'
FROM departments
JOIN dept_emp USING(dept_no)
JOIN titles USING(emp_no)
GROUP BY dept_name
ORDER BY dept_name;
dept_name Senior Engineer Staff Engineer Senior Staff Assistant Engineer Technique Leader Manager
Customer Service 2027 16150 2362 13925 298 309 4
Development 49326 1424 58135 1247 7769 7683 2
Finance 0 13929 0 12139 0 0 2
Human Resources 0 14342 0 12274 0 0 2
Marketing 0 16196 0 13940 0 0 2
Production 42205 1478 49649 1270 6445 6557 4
Quality Management 11864 0 13852 0 1831 1795 4
Research 2570 13495 2986 11637 378 393 2
Sales 0 41808 0 36191 0 0 2
-- In this query, I filter for current employees who currently hold each title.

    COUNT(CASE WHEN title = 'Senior Engineer' THEN title ELSE NULL END) AS 'Senior Engineer',
    COUNT(CASE WHEN title = 'Staff' THEN title ELSE NULL END) AS 'Staff',
    COUNT(CASE WHEN title = 'Engineer' THEN title ELSE NULL END) AS 'Engineer',
    COUNT(CASE WHEN title = 'Senior Staff' THEN title ELSE NULL END) AS 'Senior Staff',
    COUNT(CASE WHEN title = 'Assistant Engineer' THEN title ELSE NULL END) AS 'Assistant Engineer',
    COUNT(CASE WHEN title = 'Technique Leader' THEN title ELSE NULL END) AS 'Technique Leader',
    COUNT(CASE WHEN title = 'Manager' THEN title ELSE NULL END) AS 'Manager'
FROM departments
JOIN dept_emp ON departments.dept_no = dept_emp.dept_no
    AND dept_emp.to_date > CURDATE()
JOIN titles ON dept_emp.emp_no = titles.emp_no
    AND titles.to_date > CURDATE()
GROUP BY dept_name
ORDER BY dept_name;
dept_name Senior Engineer Staff Engineer Senior Staff Assistant Engineer Technique Leader Manager
Customer Service 1790 3574 627 11268 68 241 1
Development 38816 315 14040 1085 1652 5477 1
Finance 0 2891 0 9545 0 0 1
Human Resources 0 3073 0 9824 0 0 1
Marketing 0 3551 0 11290 0 0 1
Production 33625 349 12081 1123 1402 4723 1
Quality Management 9458 0 3405 0 389 1293 1
Research 2250 2870 830 9092 77 321 1
Sales 0 8903 0 28797 0 0 1
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