
Storytelling Resources

Storytelling Resource Maps for Storytelling Module

This pdf will connect you to the materials for the Storytelling Module. Each unit in the module has a map that allows you to access and explore created and curated multi-media resources, dig deeper into topics, and choose your own learning adventure.

Message Mapping

This is a great strategy for structuring the core content of your presentations; I read about it in Caroline Goyder’s amazing book, Gravitas: Communicate with Confidence, Influence and Authority. This ‘problem-to-solution’ style of crafting a story is also covered thoroughly in Nancy Duarte’s Resonate and Data Story. If you’re a mythology fan, you will recognize this structure as Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey, too.

This structure can be followed whether your presentation is five minutes or fifty and can be as obvious or subtle as your audience dictates. This is where it fits in your overall presentation:

Intro: Tell your audience what you’re going to tell them and why (Goals).

Core Content: Tell your story; this is where Message Mapping fits in.

Wrap: Summarize what you just told your audience. Help them walk away with your important and inspiring message.